Hearing Health Blog

How to Interpret Your Hearing Test or Audiogram

How to Interpret Your Hearing Test or Audiogram

It may seem, at first, like measuring hearing loss would be easy. You can probably hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. You may confuse particular letters like “S” or “B”, but hear other letters perfectly fine at any volume. When you figure out how to interpret your hearing test it becomes […]

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You Could be Missing a Lot if You’re Having Difficulty Hearing While You’re at Work

For just a minute, picture that you have a job as a salesperson. Today, you’re having a very important call with a possible client. Numerous agents from their offices have come together to discuss whether to hire your company for the job. All of the different voices get a bit jumbled and hard to understand. […]

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Three Simple Steps to Lessen Hearing Loss

Three Simple Steps to Lessen Hearing Loss

Isn’t pizza interesting? As long as a few factors are met, you can alter toppings, cheese, and sauce, and it’s still a pizza. That’s a lot like hearing loss. But as long as you have a hard time hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss whether it’s due to genetic factors, age, blockages, or exposure to […]

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Your Risk of Getting Dementia Could be Reduced by Having Regular Hearing Tests

Dementia and hearing loss, what’s the connection? Brain health and hearing loss have a connection which medical science is beginning to understand. Your risk of getting cognitive decline is higher with even mild hearing loss, as it turns out. These two seemingly unrelated health conditions may have a pathological connection. So how can a hearing […]

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Why is the Buzzing in my Ears Worse at Night?

Why is the Buzzing in my Ears Worse at Night?

If you are one of the millions of people in the U.S. dealing with a medical condition known as tinnitus then you probably know that it tends to get worse when you are trying to fall asleep. But why would this be? The buzzing or ringing in one or both ears is not an actual […]

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Vacationing With Hearing Loss: Your Guide to a Safe, Enjoyable Trip!

There are two types of vacations, right? One kind is full of activities at all times. These are the trips that are remembered for years later and are packed with adventure, and you head back to work more worn out than you left. Then there are the relaxing kinds of vacations. These are the trips […]

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When You’re Hospitalized, Hearing Loss Can Cause Complications

Tom is thrilled, he’s getting a brand new knee! Hey, the things you look forward to change as you get older. His knee replacement means he will feel less pain and be able to get out and about a lot better. So the operation is a success and Tom heads home. That’s when things go […]

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Can I Wear my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

Can I Wear my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

You’ve likely noticed that when movies or TV shows get really intense, they start using close-ups (perhaps even extreme close-ups). This is because more information than you’re likely even consciously aware of is conveyed by the human face. It’s no stretch to say that human beings are very facially centered. So having all of your […]

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How Long Should my Hearing Aids Last?

How Long Should my Hearing Aids Last?

It’s tough to be separated from your hearing aid once you get accustomed to using one. Your hearing aids are, after all, your link to the world around you. But it will periodically need to be upgraded or swapped out just like all technology. A hearing aid’s typical lifespan From 3 to 7 years will […]

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8 Subtle Indications Your Hearing is Faltering

8 Subtle Indications Your Hearing is Faltering

Your hearing won’t be just gone one day when you wake up. For most individuals, hearing loss happens in degrees, particularly when it is related to aging. Some indicators show up earlier, though, and you don’t recognize there is an issue right away. The initial symptoms of progressive hearing loss are discrete. Identifying them sooner […]

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