Hearing Health Blog

Why Putting Off Hearing Loss Treatment is a Mistake

Amidst hectic schedules and the distractions of events, it’s all too simple to put off essential appointments, such as those with a hearing specialist or for fitting hearing aids. You might not even get around to shopping for hearing aids whatsoever. But hearing loss impacts more than just your ears and delaying treatment can have […]

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Safeguarding Your Sense of Hearing: 4 Tactics to Protect Your Ears

In the hectic frenzy of everyday life, our ears often shoulder the burden of neglect and inadvertent harm. There are a few common but hazardous practices, like using cotton swabs and ear candling, that will put your hearing health in peril. Below, we delve into four essential methods to safeguard your sense of hearing and […]

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Why Does Earwax Build Up?

Why Does Earwax Build Up?

It’s likely that earwax and its accumulation haven’t been subjects of significant contemplation for you, except perhaps during ear hygiene sessions. Nonetheless, comprehending what causes earwax, how it forms, and its purpose is essential. So why does earwax accumulate? Earwax, also scientifically called cerumen, is made up of a mix of sweat, skin particles, hair, […]

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Love and Hearing Loss – Couples Strategies for Better Communication

Hearing loss can impact many areas of your day-to-day life. Untreated hearing loss, for example, can affect your professional life, your favorite pastimes, and even your relationships. Communication can become tense for couples who are dealing with hearing loss. Animosity can develop from the increased tension and more frequent quarrels. In other words, left unchecked, […]

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You Should Get Your Hearing Tested Regularly For These Four Reasons

Why is getting regular hearing tests significant? Well, the reality is that hearing loss can have considerable and long-term effects on your overall health. Getting your hearing tested regularly can help you identify hearing loss early, get care faster, and, improve your health, wellness, and quality of life. Getting a hearing test – who should […]

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How Long Can You Expect Your Hearing Aids to Last?

How Long Can You Expect Your Hearing Aids to Last?

With proper care, hearing aids can last for a number of years, but their effectiveness depends on their alignment with your current level of hearing loss. Similar to prescription glasses, hearing aids are customized to support your specific auditory requirements, requiring regular reassessment. Here are a few tips to help you get the most from […]

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“Normal” Hearing, Yet Fighting to Follow Conversations

Your workplace has decided to encourage teamwork and collaboration by opening up the office floor plan. However, you find yourself struggling in this new setup. Not because you miss the privacy of cubicle walls, but because the elevated noise makes it hard to follow conversations. Even if standard hearing tests indicate completely normal hearing, the […]

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Prevalent Medications That Cause Hearing Loss

Prevalent Medications That Cause Hearing Loss

When you start on a course of medication, it’s normal to want to be informed about any potential side effects. Can it cause digestive problems? Will it cause dry mouth? Make you sleepy? You may not even be aware of some of the more impactful side effects, including hearing loss. Lots of different drugs are […]

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Muffled Hearing: Causes and Treatment Options

Muffled Hearing: Causes and Treatment Options

Muffled hearing can happen for lots of reasons. For most individuals, it’s a temporary experience. In other cases, muffled hearing can be a precursor of more substantial hearing-related issues. Partly, that’s because, aside from sudden hearing loss, hearing loss is typically not a condition that develops suddenly. Symptoms develop gradually and over time. Typically, one […]

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Best Practices for Using the Phone with Hearing Aids

Best Practices for Using the Phone with Hearing Aids

These days, the mobile phone network is much more reliable (and there’s a lot less static involved). But sometimes, it will still be challenging to hear what the person on the other end is saying. And for people who have hearing loss, it can be especially challenging. Now, you might be thinking: there’s a simple […]

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