Hearing Health Blog

Your Tinnitus Might be Getting Worse Due to Those Late Night Trips to the Bar

Remember the old tale of Johnny Appleseed? When you were younger you most likely heard the tale of how Johnny Appleseed journeyed around bringing fresh apples to communities (the moral of the story is that apples are good for you, and you should eat them). Actually, that’s not the whole reality. At the end of […]

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Hearing Aids, a History

Hearing Aids, a History

There are three types of individuals out there: individuals who find history to be amazingly fascinating, individuals who think history is terribly dull, and people who think history is full of aliens. Aliens aren’t responsible for the history of hearing aids. But it’s most likely a lot stranger than you might believe. After all, hearing […]

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If You Want to Enjoy Your Life, Keep that Hearing Aid Switched on!

Even if you have an active, healthy lifestyle, you could experience hearing loss and specific cognitive concerns as you get older. And scientists have found a strong link between the two that shouldn’t be ignored and it will help if you don’t turn that hearing aid off. Depression is two times as likely in individuals […]

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Is Ear Protection Recommended for Musicians?

Is Ear Protection Recommended for Musicians?

Musicians rock. They bring so much pleasure to our lives with their songs. But music is a lot more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing hazard. The musicians themselves are at an even greater risk of hearing damage since they are subjected to loud music just about every day. Whether your […]

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Hearing Tests: Types, Facts, & Diagnosis

Hearing Tests: Types, Facts, & Diagnosis

Diagnosing hearing loss by yourself is basically impossible. To illustrate, you can’t really assess your level of hearing by merely putting your ear next to a speaker. So getting a hearing test will be vital in understanding what’s going on with your hearing. But there’s no need to be concerned or stress out because a […]

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Hearing Loss Doesn’t Have to Negatively Affect Your Relationship

Most individuals don’t want to discuss the effect hearing loss has on relationships, even though it’s an issue many people deal with. Both partners can feel aggravated by the misunderstandings that are created by hearing loss. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner isn’t it a great time to show your love and appreciation for […]

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How Many Different Kinds of Hearing Loss are There?

How Many Different Kinds of Hearing Loss are There?

Have you ever purchased one of those “one size fits all” t-shirts only to be dismayed (and surprised) when the shirt does not, in fact, fit as advertised? It’s sort of a bummer, isn’t it? There aren’t really very many “one size fits all” with anything in the real world. That’s true with t-shirts and […]

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Forgetting Essential Information? This May be Why

Forgetting Essential Information? This May be Why

Are you forgetting something? You’re not imagining it. Remembering day-to-day things is becoming more and more difficult. Once you become aware of it, memory loss seems to progress quickly. It becomes more incapacitating the more you become aware of it. The majority of people don’t realize that there’s a link between memory loss and hearing […]

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