Hearing Test Info
Numerous states currently permit the utilization of marijuana, THC, or cannabinoid materials for medicinal applications, and quite a few states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. So, what are cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are classified as a group of compounds found in the cannabis or marijuana plant. Cannabinoids are sometimes considered to possess universal healing qualities, but […]
Read More… from Cannabis Use and Hearing Health
Keep Reading...Cannabis Use and Hearing HealthAutumn brings in its own engaging sounds you won’t want to miss, including the crackling of a warm fire, leaves crunching under your feet, and kids laughing and playing. Now imagine those sounds fading away or becoming muddled, diminishing your enjoyment of these cherished moments. Hearing problems can put a damper on your autumn experiences, […]
Read More… from Hearing Health Guidelines For the Fall Season
Keep Reading...Hearing Health Guidelines For the Fall SeasonThe majority of people aren’t proactive about the health of their hearing and likely haven’t had a hearing screening since grade school because it’s generally not part of a routine adult physical. Luckily, a professional hearing specialist can discover a wealth of information from a hearing test which can be used to both identify any […]
Read More… from What Can You Expect to Discover From a Hearing Test?
Keep Reading...What Can You Expect to Discover From a Hearing Test?You scheduled a hearing test but you’re so busy it’s reasonable that you would have forgotten about it. It’s a good thing you received a text from the clinic reminding you in time for you to prepare. So… what should you do? The success of your appointment will be increased with just a little bit […]
Read More… from How to Get Ready for a Hearing Test
Keep Reading...How to Get Ready for a Hearing TestIt’s likely that earwax and its accumulation haven’t been subjects of significant contemplation for you, except perhaps during ear hygiene sessions. Nonetheless, comprehending what causes earwax, how it forms, and its purpose is essential. So why does earwax accumulate? Earwax, also scientifically called cerumen, is made up of a mix of sweat, skin particles, hair, […]
Read More… from Why Does Earwax Build Up?
Keep Reading...Why Does Earwax Build Up?Why is getting regular hearing tests significant? Well, the reality is that hearing loss can have considerable and long-term effects on your overall health. Getting your hearing tested regularly can help you identify hearing loss early, get care faster, and, improve your health, wellness, and quality of life. Getting a hearing test – who should […]
Read More… from You Should Get Your Hearing Tested Regularly For These Four Reasons
Keep Reading...You Should Get Your Hearing Tested Regularly For These Four ReasonsMuffled hearing can happen for lots of reasons. For most individuals, it’s a temporary experience. In other cases, muffled hearing can be a precursor of more substantial hearing-related issues. Partly, that’s because, aside from sudden hearing loss, hearing loss is typically not a condition that develops suddenly. Symptoms develop gradually and over time. Typically, one […]
Read More… from Muffled Hearing: Causes and Treatment Options
Keep Reading...Muffled Hearing: Causes and Treatment OptionsCoping with cancer is horrible. As a result, patients receiving cancer treatment will sometimes feel compelled to dismiss cancer treatment side effects, like hearing loss, as insignificant. But it’s essential to keep in mind that, for a great many cancer patients, there is life after your disease. And you want that life to be as […]
Read More… from Can You Develop Hearing Loss From Chemotherapy?
Keep Reading...Can You Develop Hearing Loss From Chemotherapy?You may think of your favorite sci-fi movie when someone mentions artificial intelligence (AI). But nowadays, AI is more science than just fiction. This is particularly true with regard to hearing aids. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all hearing aids that just raise the volume of sounds around you. AI is at the root of […]
Read More… from AI and Hearing Aids – the Synergy
Keep Reading...AI and Hearing Aids – the Synergy